Pakistan confirmed 220 cases of Corona today with a doctor death || Pakistan has high patient ratio than Italy and Iran|| Lahore may be lockdown within 12 hours ||Alibaba owner donates for Corona fight || Will Pakistan will be lockdown ?
News are coming from the governor House Punjab that government is looking for look down in major cities of Punjab namely Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad and Rawalpindi. As Pakistan total tally of Corona virus exceed 600 mark and today we reported 220 more patients which is world highest no of cases reported in a single day .The testing kits for Corona test are going to short and Agha Khan Hospital also declared that they have stopped testing Corona due to shortage of kits.
If government don't show concerns over lockdown this number may exceed to 5500 till 25th of this month .The government officials said that shopping malls and business's centers are closed .Corona Ordinance is also going to pass in punjab under which any Corona patients can be forced by government to move to hospital.
There was a partial lockdown in Balochistan province and this is also a good initiative but Central government should think about 7 days lockdown to prevent the carrier's to spread this virus.
Today a Doctor from Gilgit passed away named as Dr Usama ,who served his mother land despite of lack resources and sacrificed his life for our people .But doctors can't fight against this virus ,we must restirct our selve to home for a week to help them .
The founder of Alibaba donated 1.8 trillion dollars for South Asian countries including Pakistan to fight against Corona Virus. A who also increased its funds for all 186 countries where Corona is showing its deadliest attacks .